The Somatic aspects to the second set of the Wujifa Zhan Zhuang structural alignment method 1234, 1234.
The First 1234, of course, is feet parallel and about shoulder-width apart (approx. 10 inches), knees over the feet , hips over the feet, shoulders over the hips.
The Second 1234 is inguinal crease (kua) in, lower back (Sacrum) down, chest (Sternum) down, and head up/back.
There are Somatic aspects to all of Wujifa, and here we will address the somatic aspect to the second set of the Wujifa Zhan Zhuang structural alignment method 1234, 1234, as it is related to the process of learning. Somatic simply means dealing with the mind, body, and emotions as a unified system, and there are whole fields of study dedicated to this subject.
When learning anything, one must first be nonresistant, amenable, and receptive. In other words, surrender to the information and corrections coming in. As one learns, one needs to develop confidence, courage, and strength to stand up to challenges as they begin to process and investigate and understand the lessons and information received.
As we perceive the lessons and develop the courage and confidence, there’s a spirit, whole-heartedness and authenticity that inspires the progression and development of the practice.
Finally, the level-headedness to think for oneself, to see the outcome and trust one’s intuition. These skills are fundamental to learning as well as in sparring or push hands: being able to receive the threat or attack, and having the courage to respond with authenticity that is both intuitive and level-headed.
Now we’ll break it down in the steps of the second set of 1234, 1234. Again, the second 1234 is inguinal crease (kua) in, lower back (Sacrum) down, chest (Sternum) down, and head up/back.

4. Head up/back. This is the next stage of this set of 1234 that builds upon the spirit and authenticity bringing a level head and a clear mind into play. With this one can follow one’s intention, and see clearly and intuitively in understanding the possible outcomes and their realization. This is where the art of Wujifa practice truly comes to full expression.
When all four processes are built upon each other, it creates the opportunity for individual expression. To get the set of 1234 in alignment takes time. There is the rare occasion that somebody just understands and opens up, both physically and mentally. The truth is, for most people, opening the body will take some time, and the psychological habits will taken even more time and work. The reason it will take time for mental changes is that old habits die hard, and fight to exist. It takes due diligence, keen awareness and conscious attention to discover this growth unfolding.
The wonderful thing is neuroplasticity allows for us to grow and change and develop new patterns. When one begins to discover the receptiveness, courage, authenticity, and intuitive awareness that develop alongside the physical practices of Wujifa as the body opens and connects, this mental synergy builds among these foundational skills, creating great opportunities in one’s expression and abilities.
Also check out: Zhan Zhuang Alignment
Also check out: Basic Tips for Zhan Zhuang and the pelvis
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