The Concept of "Sit Down" in Wujifa Standing...
One of the opportunities we get to develop in Wujifa is intention. Overtime you will develop different ways to "allow" your intention, one is by simply playing with some of the basic concepts of Wujifa practice while you are learning and training. Of course if you train Wujifa you are well aware of the basic ideas of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 1, 2, 3, 4 that are methods to help you discover the feeling of aligning your structure are one of these tools. Although as we know this example is only a method or opportunity for discovering the feeling of alignment. The ideas of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 1, 2, 3, 4 as shared in this practice are simply a method or frame work to notice and discover the feeling of a relaxed structure. The focus is on getting and developing the feeling of connection and developing these. The connection that you'll develop when you have a relaxed aligned structure.
Now I will say I have noticed over the years that it is pretty common for people to make the methods of discovery more important than simply discovering more deeply the feeling of a relaxed connected and aligned body. Also, those who have often discovered this, that is developing your intention, can also be very useful as well not only in Wujifa but in so many areas of your life. Now, I will say at times it can be useful to do something (methods) to help one in discovering these insights. If I were to share one simple thing here, I would say "Be congruent with the intention" with the understanding this is very important for developing/development of neural pathways in ones brain and strengthening the connections both in this brain and in the body.
Learning to notice the "feeling" of your development and how it changes is a good step on the path. Also, learning to simply notice the different feelings is a good habit to develop. Many times a new person might feel that there is so much new information they need to track "all" this different data or in the process they put all their faith in the methods and data, and "methods" becomes their primary focus.
When you are first learning and practicing Wujifa it is true that focusing on certain methods can be productive. Although, as students, we also need to be aware that these are not the primary focus or intention. Actually I will suggest that even this noticing of the feelings in a way is actually another "method" as well, as you progress, and is not a primary focus, as you grow and develop these connected movements.
So, you might ask “What is the primary focus?” I would suggest that simply the metod of being “congruent” with how you connect and move and respond functionally in a unified and productive way can be a good idea that can help you with developing the so called “feeling” of the intention that Wujifa can assist us with as we train.
All that being said I would like to share something that I believe is another good "method" for developing some of the feeling that can be very useful when starting out with basics in Wujifa qigong. Many have heard that sinking the weight so the top is light and the bottom is heavier is one of those feelings one can discover and play with that is helpful both for those who have practiced for a little while and even for the person who is relatively new to Wujifa standing practices (Zhan Zhuang). In saying this, what I will also suggest looking for the feeling of "sitting down" or the process of sitting down.
As we know in basic Wujifa method of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 1, 2, 3, 4 that the discovery of the feeling of the inguinal crease area. What we also call “1” in this paradigm is the inguinal crease. The inguinal crease is suggested as "in" and "2” in this model the sacrum is "allowed" to relax "down" by relaxing the lower back (This is different than tucking and take a while for some to get). So, the common feeling for many people is the feeling "as if" they are starting to sit down on lets say a bar stool.
I would suggest that people should "relax and allow" their practice to seek and develop this for awhile until they build in the feeling, as well as the commonly suggested feeling of light on top and the lower parts heavy. As you might discover this "image" of sitting down can be helpful for people who want to allow the noticing of this feeling while standing. Remember, continue to notice this intention of sit down in a relaxed way (Remember the Wujifa saying "Relaxed is not limp"). Over time if you play as suggested here you may start to notice how much this will contribute to your Wujifa stance practice (Zhan Zhuang).
If you have any questions... as always... feel free... and ask…
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